Because we Love our Customers and Appreciate You, your Safety is our Number 1 concern.
If you are participating in a Name the Cow Promotion, we ask that you DO NOT mount, ride, stand, sit on, or assume any elevated position involving what may simply be considered as “being on” the Cow. Personal Safety is our goal.
Please make sure you have Real Time Malware/Virus Protection if you choose to download photos from our Contest Website.
You must always be careful when uploading/downloading any content from the internet.
If you choose to participate in any of our Contests here on this Website, you assume any/all personal, family, business, or any other risks associated with such participation. PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing, any/all Vendors associated with PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing, and anyone/business representing PA Dutch Farmers Market of Wyomissing (Noble Group USA or otherwise) will assume no responsibilities for anyone’s participation in any of our Contests.
Thanks for being a part of our Contest, we hope you have fun and possibly win a Prize.