Do I need to Register on the site first?
07/31/2019Facebook Login
08/23/2019Depending on the device you are using to access the Contest site, may change how much scrolling you experience.
The Contest plugin is basically meant to be the only content on the page, but users may need information to help get them started. This information is placed at the top of the page before the Contest, so every time you do something inside the Contest plugin, it will reload the page and scroll back to the top.
We have provided somewhat of a solution for this issue to help keep your screen from scrolling so much. In the Contest you are currently involved with, look for the larger red and blue text that says “For Contest only page CLICK HERE!” and Tap or Click on the words CLICK HERE.
This will open a minimal Contest page with reduced content to help enable you to work in the Contest with less frustration.
We are limited to certain features that cannot be changed at this time, but we hope to keep upgrading the Contest site as time goes along.
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